Andrea Mainardi 50th International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine Annual Meeting 2024

Andrea Mainardi

Dr. Andrea Mainardi is a postdoctoral researcher at the University Hospital of Basel where he focuses on integrating rigorous engineering and mathematical processes into biological inquiries. Having studied Biomedical Engineering, he obtained both his bachelor's and master's degrees cum laude from Politecnico di Milano (Italy). During his master's thesis, he was introduced to the field of microfluidics and Organ-on-Chips, concentrating specifically on incorporating controlled mechanical stimuli in 3D microtissues. Subsequently, he undertook a challenging Double PhD program, earning a doctorate from both Politecnico di Milano (Italy), where he gained expertise in microfabrication, photolithography, and soft lithography, and from the University Hospital of Basel – University of Basel (Switzerland), where he received education on tissue engineering and acquired a profound knowledge of cartilage and bone biology. Since obtaining his PhD in 2021, he has been actively involved in the Cartilage and Tissue Engineering groups at the University Hospital of Basel, leading microfabrication-oriented projects. On one hand, he has transitioned from the design of Organ-on-Chips to their comprehensive utilization in dissecting the mechanotransduction mechanisms of musculoskeletal diseases, primarily Osteoarthritis and Intervertebral Disc Disease. On the other hand, he is expanding his interests into developmental biology, biomaterials, and spectrophotometric analyses, and incorporating methodologies such as single-cell transcriptomics in his microscale devices.

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